Monday 24 November 2008

Noche Mexicana

I am always bowled over by the enthusiasm of our students, especially when they get to throw wet sponges at their teachers. Like last year, I was asked- somewhat over-enthusiastically- to play the victim again during the school's celebrations of Mexican Independence on Noche Mexicana. Not being one to shy away from such things, I accepted (I am fearless bearded one in the far right of the picture).

It was an eventful night. Students competed in their form groups by making stands for each of the states of Mexico- ours was a modest representation of Michoacan complete with paper chains and butterflies. We also cooked up a storm with some corn cupcakes and Gespacho Michoacana.

The highlight of the evening was the traditional chilli eating competition, which I had organised in order not to enter myself. I just couldn't face the pain. It is probably the kind of competition that just would not be allowed in other schools or countries... but not here.

It was an awesome event. At one point, it seemed like the whole school had crowded around the two picnic benches where the willing candidates sat munching their way through green serano chillis. The students chanted wildly for their favourites as the challengers gradually dropped off and left their seats, until it became a head to head showdown between two Form 5 boys.

The habaneros were brought out and a winner was soon decided- he had eaten 17 seranos and four habaneros as well. It was a mighty effort.

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